(Translated Indonesia to English) Artikel Populer Based on the results of research conducted by Kanzulfikar (2021) states that the concept of Beauty in a beauty contest represents that a woman is not enough to be physically beautiful as seen from the outside, but beauty needs to be full of enthusiasm, active and energetic, and evoke inner beauty. ”.As for the results of other studies conducted, that beauty is not only assessed from a physical perspective, but beauty is also assessed based on behavior and actions (Morelba, L. P., and Lesmana, 2023). So that the moral quality (inner beauty) in women is expected to always be improved and also be able to look neat and clean so that it is more attractive to look at. According to Hurlock (1986) in Natari (2016) states that early adulthood begins at the age of 18-40 years. The age category of respondents in this study were mostly 19 years old (35.1%). College students are included in the stage of early adulthood. In research conducted by Sant...