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Based on the results of research conducted by Kanzulfikar (2021) states that the concept of Beauty in a beauty contest represents that a woman is not enough to be physically beautiful as seen from the outside, but beauty needs to be full of enthusiasm, active and energetic, and evoke inner beauty. ”.As for the results of other studies conducted, that beauty is not only assessed from a physical perspective, but beauty is also assessed based on behavior and actions (Morelba, L. P., and Lesmana, 2023). So that the moral quality (inner beauty) in women is expected to always be improved and also be able to look neat and clean so that it is more attractive to look at. According to Hurlock (1986) in Natari (2016) states that early adulthood begins at the age of 18-40 years. The age category of respondents in this study were mostly 19 years old (35.1%). College students are included in the stage of early adulthood. In research conducted by Santoso, M.V., Fauzia, R. and Rusli (2020) explained that women who are entering early adulthood often pay more attention to their appearance so they can be more supportive in their daily activities. Appearance is very influential and supports a person's daily social life.

According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2008) in Afradhila, H., and Indriana (2014) explained that early adult women must look beautiful in supporting the increasingly complex various developmental tasks and also to realize existing social existence. The results achieved are based on personal assessment and self-ideal fulfillment by analyzing how far the behavior is. Self-esteem is obtained from yourself and others. If someone experiences success, then that person will feel high self-esteem, but conversely if someone experiences failure, is not accepted by the environment or is not loved will result in someone feeling low self-esteem. Confidence is an attitude in which a person who is confident believes in his abilities so that in carrying out actions he does not feel anxious, does things according to his wishes with a sense of freedom but is responsible for the actions he does.

Interaction with other people in a polite manner, able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses that exist in him and also has a drive for achievement. Confident people described by Lauster include having an optimistic and happy attitude, tolerance or selflessness, not needing encouragement from others. An individual can develop his potential because of the confident aspect. When individuals have good self-confidence, they will maximally develop their potential, conversely, when individuals have low self-confidence, they will be easily frustrated when experiencing difficulties accepts reality in himself, tends to close himself and is awkward in dealing with people.

Self-confidence is influenced by several factors, namely experience, environment, self-concept and self-view. So that one's way to understand himself, experience past, social and cultural environment, as well as self-views and other people's views on him can affect the level of self-confidence. Meanwhile, according to Khairunnisa stated that the appearance of self-confidence in an individual is when the individual believes in his own abilities and is shown in the words and actions of the individual in various situations and conditions. Research conducted by Amin (2015) in Satria and Junaedi (2022) states that in a woman, appearance is one of the most important things, to be a beautiful woman, you need to have high self-confidence. The trick is to upgrade self-confidence by having natural beauty, individuals can be well received in their social environment and also become more beautiful and successful individuals. As for research carried out by Syahida (2021) for early adult female students obtained significant results, namely, female students had high self-confidence when using make-up

Based on the research results, the results showed the level of self-confidence of women in early adulthood with the trend of beauty privilege. The results showed that 128 people (97.7%) were categorized as low self-confidence and 3 people (2.3%) were categorized as high self-confidence. Research conducted by Amalia, D. D., Noviekayati, I. G. A. A., and Ananta (2022) on early adult women regarding the use of social media, obtained results showing that early adult women's self-confidence tended to be low because the higher the inferiority, the lower confidence. Fatimah (2006) explained in Ifdil, I., Denich, A.U., and Ilyas, A. (2017) that self-confidence is a positive attitude of an individual who makes himself develop a positive assessment of himself and of the situation or environment he faces. The self-confidence possessed by an individual should ideally be in the very high category. This means that it takes trust High self-esteem for an individual to be able to develop several aspects that exist in him.



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