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The representation of Beauty Privileges depicted in the film Imperfect is in accordance with the context of Indonesian society, which still embodies a lot of Beauty Privileges. These findings indicate that in social groups, beauty privileges are granted 107 can not be avoided, this gift is based on a person's outer appearance (outer beauty) which is more popular with the term good looking. as depicted in wrong one scene in becoming a manager or important official in a company, requires good looking criteria as one of the main criteria. These findings also confirm that beauty privilege greatly influences human equality. In accordance with the reality of Indonesian society in the setting of the film Imperfect, there is a dominant tendency that a person's appearance tends to be seen from the point of view of relative outer beauty.
Beauty is relative, such as beauty found in each country and region has different beauty standards. The difference in beauty is clearly visible, especially at the Miss Universe event which is a beauty pageant platform the largest and oldest in the world that constructs beauty in it by showing beauty in different countries. The South African country that won Miss Universe in 2019 represented by Zozibini Tunzi is a woman with black stature and very short hair. Of course with Zozibini being elected, this breaks the statement that beauty is a woman with white skin and long hair. However, despite the beauty standards of each country different because this competition still has general and universal standards that must be met, namely height and body shape that are ideal or not excessive. This ultimately creates the role of Miss Universe's beauty context in the construction of global beauty.
According to Naomi Wolf, beauty is just a myth that is not fixed and not universal because in each region it is different, can change or evolve and is subjective because each individual has various tastes in beauty. But beauty ,So far, it has become a myth in society. This myth survives today because of cosmetic developments and plastic surgery. According to Yulianto, beauty for Indonesian women is now identified with white skin, in other words, there is only one skin color standard for women's beauty, namely white skin. Because beauties in Indonesia tend to prefer women with white skin, which causes beauty products with whitening and skin brightening functions to be more easily found on the Indonesian market. According to Ashad Kusuma Djaya, basically beauty is a gift that every woman has and is important because in general as the center of attention. Beauty is a whole that includes body size, mentality and personality (Inner beauty) so that overall gives birth to beauty true. Beauty has different standards in each place be it region or country. The beauty awakened in Indonesia tends to perceive the beauty of women with white skin, slim bodies, reasonable short hair, and long hair. The beauty of a person's outer appearance, both physical and clothing, is relative in nature, which does not necessarily mean beauty in all places. It shows that beauty actually lies in how the person's personality is. Various research studies explain that true beauty is found in inner beauty.
Beauty is also a subject of assumption for some people in modern times like now which states that someone who is considered beautiful is also assumed from a person's personality such as being responsible, intelligent and adaptable (Inner beauties). Islam prioritizes beauty from within (inner beauty) or inner beauty rather than physical beauty (outer beauty). This is because the heart is the center of self-control that will determine the merits of one's behavior. True beauty is the beauty of personality, whether it radiates from the heart, mind, or behavior that reflects the elegance of a woman, this is what is called inner beauty.
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